
Cardioselective Beta Blockers - Mnemonics, MOA & Uses

Cardioselective beta blockers are those drugs that mainly antagonise the beta receptors present in the heart.

Cardioselective beta blockers mnemonics

Cardioselective Beta Blockers & its Mnemonics.

They are mainly the second and third generations beta blockers that depress all the cardiac properties by selectively blocking the B1 blockers mediated sympathetic actions.

Here is the list of those 8 cardioselective beta blocker drugs:
  1. Nebivolol
  2. Betaxolol
  3. Bisoprolol
  4. Acebutolol
  5. Esmolol
  6. Atenolol
  7. Metoprolol
  8. Celiprolol

Mnemonics to remember the list.

I will share two simple mnemonics for remembering these cardioselective beta blockers. You can choose any of the two to remember that you like to.

✅ New Beta Blockers Acting Exclusively At Myo-Cardium.
  • New - Nebivolol
  • Beta - Betaxolol
  • Blockers - Bisoprolol
  • Acting - Acebutolol
  • Exclusively - Esmolol
  • At - Atenolol
  • Myo - Metoprolol
  • Cardium - Celiprolol

Cardioselective beta blockers mnemonic


  • M - Metoprolol
  • E - Esmolol
  • N - Nebivolol
  • B - Betaxolol
  • A - Acebutolol
  • B - Bisoprolol
  • A - Atenolol
Mnemonic of Cardioselective beta blockers

Uses of cardioselective beta blockers.

These beta blockers are used to depress the important cardiological functions. 

Here is the list uses of these drugs:
  1. Decrease heart rate (negative chronotropic effect)
  2. They have negative ionotropic effect, i.e., decrease force of myocardial contractility.
  3. Decrease cardiac output.
  4. Depress the activity of S.A. and A.V. node.
  5. Increase refractory period of A.V. node.
  6. Decrease conduction in atria and A.V. node.
  7. Depress automaticity of ectopic foci.
  8. Decrease cardiac work, thus reducing the O2 requirements of myocardium.

You can save the above list of drugs with its mnemonics in your device by downloading it below.
Jpg Cardioselective beta blockers Download

I have tried to describe the cardioselective beta blockers in brief and included most of the important aspects of it. This is more than enough for a second year MBBS student to know in pharmacology.


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